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Holes, 2012, HD video, seamless loop, mute

Exhibition view

La Refonte, 2014, sculptures, copper, aluminum, alloy, computer cables, variable dimensions

Exhibition view

Hardware, 2013, engraved stones, variable dimensions

Hardware, (detail), 2013, engraved stones, variable dimensions

Exhibition view

Pulsar, 2012, HD video, on loup, soundless

Trois couleurs, sans fin, 2015, algorithm, digital tablet, infinite duration

Object Nr_18, 2015, stained glass, glass, leaded, 19,7 x 47,3 inches

Object Nr_18, 2015, stained glass, glass, leaded, 19,7 x 47,3 inches

Exhibition view

Méditation sur la méthode, 2013, data moshing, stereo sound, on loop
Paul Destieu, Quentin Destieu et Sylvain Huguet, Yann Leguay, Luce Moreau
son:DA, Guillaume Stagnaro
Group show
Carte blanche to Otto-Prod
10/04/2015 -30/05/2015
Otto-Prod presents the group show occur, in response to the carte blanche proposed by the gallery 22,48 m². Both artists and producers, the members of the Otto-Prod’s collective combine their artistic researches with their works they produce, diffuse and support. It gathers here the authors at the crossroads of their researches to share a zone of influence and reveal the circumstances.
The title occur is the emergence of a phenomenon ; the assembly of the seven works exhibited under this name highlights diverse occurrences of materials, spaces and gestures. They have in common the transmutation from a state to another, from a medium to another.
Through the radical transformation of its shape, La Refonte - which only retains the raw material and the symbolism of the initial objet - operates a technological subvertion. Stained glass made from the Object Nr_18 file is in the same relationship between digital records and ancestral knowledge ; extension cords, plugs and chargers invade the space to access the status of icon. Some pieces explore an in-between : Méditation sur la Méthode develops a form of resistance to the subject to deal with video compression methods, Pulsar records the continued struggle between a camera and the light. The tool sensor keeps the permanent mark of this experience, kind of retinal persistence subsequently imposed on the shores of Holes.
Quiet corruption of the landscape is reflected in the Hardware series, handmade engraved stones hand of a IT annotation ; they are moved, modified, and then mostly reinstated to their original site.
Finally, in a simulated mathematical space, the artist experiments the creation of a universe from a simple algorithm (Trois couleurs, sans fin). We can observe the slow transformation of these expanding pixels in the time of exposure, and in the limited area of the support.
occur reveals the materialization of elements as intangible as light, electricity, digital, which solidify in contact with each other, like so many chemical precipitates.
[Otto-Prod, 2015]
Works :
Paul Destieu, Méditation sur la Méthode, 2013
Data moshing, loop, stereo sound
Quentin Destieu et Sylvain Huguet, La Refonte, 2014
Sculptures, copper, aluminum, alloy, computer cables, variable dimensions
Yann Leguay, Hardware, 2013
Engraved stones, variable dimensions
Luce Moreau, Pulsar, 2012
Video HD, in a continuous loop, without sound
Luce Moreau, Holes, 2012
Video installations, digital frames, loop, without sound
son:DA, object Nr_18, 2015
stained glass, glass, leaded, 50 x 120 cm
Guillaume Stagnaro, Trois couleurs, sans fin, 2015
Algorithm, digital tablet, infinite duration
Otto-Prod was born in December 2006 in Paris. Members of this group alternate their personal artistic production with the organization of events such as exhibitions, hosting artists in residence and the production of works of art.
For nearly over 10 years, this group provides an opportunity for a selection of international artists to imagine, produce and exhibit their most ambitious projects thanks to a curatorial, technical, human and financial support.
Otto-Prod initiated creative and productive exchanges between Maribor in Slovenia, where the Cultural center Pekarna MM saw the start of their activity, and Marseille in France - city in which they now operate.
Since 2006, cultural events and seasons worn by OTTO-Prod such as THE BRANCH in 2009, WORKING HOLIDAYS from 2010 to 2014, saw materialize the works and projects of a hundred artists, at fifteen residencies and other formulas such as group exhibitions, festivals and production time of works. Otto-Prod worked with major Slovenian and Marseille structures such as MM Pekarna (Maribor), the MMC Kibla Gallery (Maribor), the Museum of Modern Art UGM (Maribor), the French Institute Charles Nodier (Ljubljana), the MAC Marseille, the FRAC PACA, La Friche Belle-de-Mai (Marseille) and Mécènes du Sud (Marseille), during exhibitions, residencies and performance program.