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Liddy Scheffknecht
Solo show
24/05– 13/07/2024
Opening Sunday 26/05/2024, 2 pm – 6 pm


Living in a present and society that wants to shorten every activity, where speed dating is common, fast food is eaten and power naps have to be enough for recovery, the work of Liddy Scheffknecht in the exhibition NOW deals with cyclical events that cannot be accelerated. Her artistic material and tool is sunlight and the earth rotation. With the help of a masks attached to a window sunlight is sculpted into a specific form. The formed speckle of light constantly moves through the space and connects briefly with an object in the room at one point in time. The journey of the sunlight and moments of the journey are captured in photographies and videos. In other works a spot of light formed into writing travels across a paper and is recorded in drawings or manifested as sculptures.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a text by Camille Prunet.


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