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For 10 years now 22,48 m2 develops, in close collaboration with the socio-cultural center Archipélia, the project « A gallery in my neighborhood , a series of plastic arts workshops for children, teenagers and adults. Carried out in connection with the activity of the gallery, these workshops are a real success and allow to make contemporary art accessible to different audience far from culture.

Participants in these workshops are first invited to visit the exhibition, with an animator from Archipélia and an animator from the gallery who provide cultural mediation using educational materials. As part of the workshops with children, they participate in artictic practice sessions after the visit, offering them a moment of reflexion, exchange and expression around the themes and techniques seen in the exhibition. Their artistic productions are then exhibited in Archipélia's display case, which helps to highlight the artistic expression of the participants but also to create a moment of sharing between the inhabitants of the neighborhood.


For adults, socio-linguistic workshops are set up, during which they are invited to improve their practice of the French language by discussing the theme of the exhibition, the works on display, the artist presented, the techniques used or even contemporary art in general.


"A gallery in my neighborhood" tries to participate in the dynamism and cultural enrichment of the neighborhood. The project aims to encourage reflection as well as cultural and artistic practice among a diverse audience.


22,48 m², 29 rue de la Commune de Paris / Komunuma, 93230 ROMAINVILLE, France, +33(0)981917217, contact(at), Wed.-Sat., 10 am - 6 pm

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